In the studio with… Grey Suit Clay

We caught up with ceramicist Franky Hague in her Sheffield studio on a sunny afternoon to talk about her enduring love of clay, the inspiration behind her creations and her all time favourite tea mug.

Franky Hague is a Sheffield based ceramicist who started her brand Grey Suit Clay in 2015. Her designs are functional meets fun, think everyday homeware splattered in Dalmatian spots or swirls of candy floss pink. Each clay-crafted mug, plate and bowl is wheel-thrown and decorated by Franky so that the quality remains the same but each piece is delightfully unique.

Can you tell us a little about your career story and what lead you to starting a ceramics business?

I went to art college and I was doing portrait painting but it was really slow so I ended up doing lots of regular part time jobs, I started running a gallery in Sheffield which was full on and I stopped doing anything creative. My boyfriend bought me an evening course doing ceramics and I head over heels fell for it. I fully committed and bought a wheel and converted my painting studio into a ceramics space, I just started making things and selling bits and it just grew from there.

Where does your love of clay come from?

My parents were actually potters, although I was very young so I don’t really remember it but I guess it’s kind of in my blood without me realising. For me it’s just so hands on, so tactile, it’s just you making and building something. I like that there’s a chemistry to it - it combines craft and science so I can indulge my nerdy science side by understanding the rules on how to treat the materials and then be super creative with the designs.

Image credit : Helena Dolby

Where do you tend to look for inspiration for your work?

I’m from Wales originally and my initial collections were a nod to Welsh landscape of beaches and mountains incorporating muted, neutral tones. But the newer pieces are more fun, the Dalmatian glaze and the pink glaze are giving classical pieces a pop of colour. I’m drawn to anything that screams fun at the moment.

Do you have a favourite collection?

I ricochet all the time but at the moment it’s my first piece, the big tapered mugs from the dip collection. It’s the mug I always drink tea out of, in the studio and at home - Yorkshire Tea exclusively, obviously.

Is there a place for sustainability within your work?

It’s really important to me and obviously I’m conscious that the nature of my work uses a finite resource, the earth. So I try and do as much recycling of materials as I can and I work hard not to waste materials or use more than I need to. I would never sell anything that’s not safe and functional but if it’s a visual defect (I’m a perfectionist) then I often sell them on a seconds flash sale. For any complete disasters I’ll smash down and use somewhere else like in the bottom of plant pots.

What’s 2021 got in store for Grey Suit Clay?

I’ve recently started making sculptural pieces so I’d love to do an exhibition of those. They are less functional and more showcase than my usual style. And, of course I’ve got my collaboration with Lit. I truly think that the limited edition pieces I’ve created for this collaboration are some of the best things I’ve ever created - they are unique and grand but could also be used once the candle has burnt down, multifunctional!

And finally, what’s your favourite Lit scent and why?

Our collaboration! Second to that I would say the cedar wood and bergamot candle, it’s very deep and subtle - I always have one burning in the studio and the scent is here for days.

Verity Clark

A beauty, health & wellbeing editor, creative and consultant with a particular interest in the part nature can play in impacting our wellbeing.

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